Joe Urban | Sam Newberg, Urbanist

Transit Minnesota Update

Dateline: 10:04 am March 17, 2008 Filed under:

Following up on a prior entry, our brave legislature indeed did override Governor Pawlenty’s veto of the $6.6 billion transportation bill. The state gas tax will increase, as will sales taxes in the seven-county metro, all to pay for road and transit improvements.

This is immensely good news, although it will cause long-term bitterness in the statehouse. Six farsighted and courageous House Republicans broke ranks to override the veto with the DFL, and it has already cost them leadership positions and endorsements. We’ll see if voters are as irrationally unforgiving come the fall elections.

At long last, perhaps Minnesota will now be able to move forward with a balanced transportation program that includes the various transit lines that have long been on the drawing board.

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