Joe Urban | Sam Newberg, Urbanist

The Incredible Shrinking Office Space – Fact or Fantasy?

Dateline: 12:20 pm August 24, 2011 Filed under:

ULI just published an article I wrote about the future of office space. On a recent assignment, I came across an intriguing quote that the amount of office space required per employee will essentially shrink to one-quarter of today’s level. In other words, companies won’t need as much space as employees increasingly are able to work from home or anywhere. Wow, I thought, that would be devastating for the office market.

Read the article at ULI here.

I personally feel there is some merit to all of this, that the office market is at an inflection point as a result, and the best located and highest amenity space will win while a large portion of the market will languish indefinitely.

What do you think? Please join the conversation at ULI.

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