Joe Urban | Sam Newberg, Urbanist

The Zoning Battle Over Al’s Breakfast – A Form Based Code With a Side of Bacon

Dateline: 2:40 pm June 6, 2013 Filed under:

“Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?” – Leslie Knope “People are idiots, Leslie.” – Ron Swanson When I heard Al’s might get redeveloped, I thought the end of the bearkfast world was approaching. My first reaction was “you can take away Al’s Breakfast but you’ll have to pry that bacon from my cold dead hands.” So what does any self-respecting lover of breakfast food do? I took my son Ellis to Al’s for breakfast. And I asked questions and I did a little research. I was relieved to find out from Al’s staff that they are not…

CNU 21 Dispatch 2 – Tactical (New) Urbanism

Dateline: 7:58 pm June 1, 2013 Filed under:

Two years ago at CNU 19 in Madison, a couple of guys named Mike Lydon and Andrew Howard presented something called “tactical urbanism.” It sounded good – without necessarily asking for permission, you install temporary trees, crosswalks, bike lanes, sidewalk seating and inspire neighbors to take back their street. Two years later here at CNU 21 in Salt Lake City, Mike Lydon and Andrew Howard were back to present again, this time joined by Aaron Naparstek. Much has changed, but tactical urbanism holds as much potential as ever for neighborhoods to embrace their public realm and demonstrate the potential for long-term…